The polling will be mailed today requesting members of the Populace to express their desires regarding the next Baron and Baroness of Loch Salann. Ballots must be submitted by 8/29/18. Unfortunately, this does not leave as much time as was hoped for this polling. We have had a number of vacations, both here and at Society, that has prevented us from obtaining the mailing labels earlier than this. The mailing will include the ballot and a stamped envelope addressed to Their Royal Highnesses. The wording of the ballot is as follows:
Please indicate your support by circling one of the following:
1. YES, I support the intent of His Lordship Hoggar Hanson and Mistress Bronwyn Morgan to be the next Baron and Baroness of the Barony of Loch Salann.
2. NO, I do not support the intent of His Lordship Hoggar Hanson and Mistress Bronwyn Morgan to be the next Baron and Baroness of the Barony of Loch Salann.