Unto the besieged populace of the Barony of Loch Salann do Hoggar and Bronwyn send greetings.
As the plague drags on we have been stuck in a holding pattern, not sure how to proceed. As you should know by now on July 8 200 the Board of Directors suspended all in person meetings until Jan 31 2021 to keep the Known World save from the ravages of Covid 19. We have been in consultation with Their Majesties, Our Good Cousins, and the Seneschals to revamp the event calendar for the rest of 2020; moving events into virtual space. The calendar will look different and more information will be forthcoming as things are finalized and Their Majesties announce Their plans. We look forward to seeing our populace online at Virtual Raptor War and Harvest of the Crown. We as a Kingdom are continuing to experiment with ways to have more interactive courts and activities during virtual events. Please be patient as we try new ideas. Somethings will work, some won’t and remember good things happen in court.
As the pandemic continues to force us to be apart please remember that although we are going through tis together we are not experiencing this the same way. Some of us have been able to transition to working from home with minimal disruptions, some of us are working safely from home but live alone and have lost the comfort of in person contact, some of us are still going into work everyday and some of us have lost our jobs. The most important thing is to be patient with one another and accept that what is good for one person is not good for another. We are muddling through this extended trauma and collective grief the best we know how. Please be kind to each other. Please check in on y9our friends, especially those you know are alone. In person visits outside, six or more feet apart and wearing masks apprar to have low risk of spreading the virus and are fantastic for mental health. If you feel safe doing so please enjoy time with friends and loved ones. Take care of your mental health as well as your physical health.
Our congratulations to Raven and Sajah Their Majesties announced during court at Lammastide the vote of confidence was favorable and they will be stepping up as the new Baron and Baroness at the Solstice Court this December. Vivat!
Our thanks to Lady Elayne and Lord Razumnik for stepping up as our new Social Media officer and Rapier Marshall. We look forward to working with you both in the time we have left serving the Barony. The Barony runs on the help of volunteers and we have several officer whose warrants are expired or expiring as well as some vacant positions. Consider helping because the cliché is true, “many hands do make light work”. In 2021 events may be in person or may still be virtual, either way we still need event stewards. Please consider helping the Barony by volunteering.
A gentle reminder to all officers, reports are due to the Seneschal and your Kingdom counterpart on the first of the month and your presence is expected at the monthly forum/populace meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. It was discussed at the last forum that officers submit a quarterly article for the Questing Quill. Tell the Barony what your office requires, highlight an unknown facet of your job, or share a little bit about yourself. Make the Chronicler’s job easier by giving him content for the Quill. The populace is also welcome to send in articles for the Quill. Tell us why you joined the SCA. Tell us what fantastic research rabbit hole you’ve fallen down. Pictures are welcome as well.
Stay safe, wash your hands, wear your mask and We’ll see you in a Zoom Meeting soon.
Yours in Service to the Dream,
Hoggar & Bronwyn – Baron & Baroness of Loch Salann